Wednesday, December 4 |
Emerald |
08:30-09:00 |
Opening Ceremony |
09:00-09:40 |
Plenary Talk #1 |
Safety Considerations on Future I&C Systems
Yun Goo Kim (IAEA)
09:40-10:20 |
Plenary Talk #2 |
Advanced Reactor Technology Development at the Idaho National Laboratory
Youssef Adel Ballout (Idaho National Laboratory)
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
I&C for ARs and SMRs I |
Chair: Nelly Ngoy Kubelwa (IAEA)
10:40-11:00 |
Recent IAEA Activities in I&C and Innovation
Nelly Ngoy Kubelwa (IAEA)
11:00-11:20 |
Outcomes of IAEA Activities on Computer Security of Instrumentation and Control for Small Modular Reactors
Rodney Busquim E Silva(IAEA), Nelly Ngoy Kubelwa(IAEA), Kim Yun Goo(IAEA), Heather Looney(IAEA)
11:20-11:40 |
Recent Advancements in Multi-Module Control Methods for Small Modular Reactors
Patrick Duggan(University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Lixuan Lu(University of Ontario Institute of Technology)
11:40-12:00 |
Power-Increase Automation Algorithm of Small Modular Reactor Using Robust AI-based Reinforcement Learning and a Rule-Based System
Hee-Jae Lee(KAIST), Daeil Lee(KAERI), San Kang(Chosun University), Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
12:00-12:20 |
Human – Automation Research of Small Modular Reactors: Emerging Issues Associated with Increased Automation
Mengchu Song(Shenzhen Technology University), Guohua Wu(Shenzhen Technology University), Sijuan Chen(Shenzhen University), Zhihui Xu(State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Safety Technology and Equipment), Fangqing Yang(China Nuclear Power Engineering and Design Co., Ltd.), Haichuan Zhang(Shenzhen Technology University), Wenlin Wang(Shenzhen Technology University)
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch |
I&C for ARs and SMRs II |
Chair: Franklin Hope (Jensen Hughes)
14:00-14:20 |
Coordinated Control of the World’s First Multi-Modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor Power Plant HTR-PM
Zhe Dong(Tsinghua University), Xiaojin Huang(Tsinghua University), Yunlong Zhu(Tsinghua University), Yujie Dong(Tsinghua University), Zuoyi Zhang(Tsinghua University)
14:20-14:40 |
Optimization and Parameter Sizing of Nuclear-Battery Hybrid System for Distributed Power Source
Jingkang Li(Tsinghua University), Zunyan Hu(Tsinghua University), Zeguang Li(Tsinghua University), Liangfei Xua(Tsinghua University), Jianqiu Li(Tsinghua University)
14:40-15:00 |
Feed Water Control System Design Considering the Asymmetrical Operation in Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor
Muping Li(Xi'an Jiaotong University), Aodi Sun(Xi'an Jiaotong University), Peiwei Sun(Xi'an Jiaotong University), Xinyu Wei(Xi'an Jiaotong University)
15:00-15:20 |
The Safety Penalty of Diverse Actuation Systems
Franklin Hope(Jensen Hughes)
15:40-16:00 |
Break |
Advanced I&C |
Chair: Antonio Ciriello (FRAMATOME)
16:00-16:20 |
An Experimental Study on Advanced Information Infrastructure for The Operation and Maintenance of Complex Energy Systems
Hidekazu Yoshikawa(Kyoto University), Kazunori Morishita(Kyoto University), Shinji Kobayashi(Kyoto University), Masataka Abe(Kyoto University), Takeshi Matsuoka(Utsunomiya University), Junya Nitta(Arcadia Systems. Co.), Makoto Takahashi(Tuhoku University), Akio Gofuku(Okayama Prefectural University)
16:20-16:40 |
Study on the Control Strategy for Cogeneration Pressurized Water Reactor with Intermediate Steam Extraction
Mengxiao Yan(Xi’an Jiaotong University), Ru Zhang(Xi’an Jiaotong University), Muping Li(Xi’an Jiaotong University), Jiacheng Zhang(Xi’an Jiaotong University), Peiwei Sun, Xinyu Wei(Xi’an Jiaotong University)
16:40-17:00 |
Diversity of Framatome's I&C Product Portfolio to Face Tomorrow's Challenges
Remi Fabregues(FRAMATOME), Mathieu Allory(FRAMATOME), Antonio Ciriello(FRAMATOME)
17:00-17:20 |
Analysis of Total Ionizing Dose Effect on Current-Reuse LC-VCO
Muhammad Adeel Anwar(KAERI), Min Sun Lee(University of Science and Technology), Inyong Kwon(Yonsei University)
17:20-17:40 |
Evaluating Radiation Resilience of 100 Transistor Array Using 28-nm FD-SOI Process
Habin Kim(Yonsei University), Inyong Kwon(Yonsei University)
Sapphire A |
System Reliability and Risk I |
Chair: Zhegang Ma (INL)
10:40-11:00 |
Causal Alpha Factor Model and Parameter Estimations for Common Cause Failure Analysis
Zhegang Ma(Idaho National Laboratory), James Knudsen(Idaho National Laboratory)
11:00-11:20 |
A Case Study of Software CCF Modeling for Multi-function Digital I&C Systems.
Jisuk Kim(Idaho National Laboratory), Han Bao(Idaho National Laboratory), Tate Shorthill(Idaho National Laboratory), Edward Chen(Idaho National Laboratory)
11:20-11:40 |
Uncertainty Analysis for Epistemic Uncertainties in the Time-based Human Reliability Analysis Model
Gyun Seob Song(Chung-Ang University), Man Cheol Kim(Chung-Ang University)
11:40-12:00 |
Analysis of the Applicability of IEC 61508 SIL Certified Devices in Nuclear Power Plant Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems
Younghak Lee(Chung-Ang University), Man Cheol Kim(Chung-Ang University)
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch |
System Reliability and Risk II |
Chair: Hyun Gook Kang (RPI)
14:00-14:20 |
Modeling of Initiating Events Induced by Multiple External Events Using Dynamic Event Tree Methods
Yuntae Gwak(Kyung Hee University), Gyunyoung Heo(Kyung Hee University)
14:20-14:40 |
Automatic Generation of Dynamic Event Tree for Accident Progression through Flexible Analysis of Optimized Simulations
Wooseok Jo(UNIST), Junyong Bae(UNIST), Seung Jun Lee(UNIST)
14:40-15:00 |
Preliminary Study for Estimating Failure Probability of Passive Safety Systems in Small Modular Reactors
Yongjoon Lee(Kyung Hee University), Gyunyoung Heo(Kyung Hee University)
15:00-15:20 |
Research on the Time-varying Failure Probability Prediction Method for the Component with Degraded Performance
Sijuan Chen((Shenzhen University)
15:20-15:40 |
Comparing Conventional and Dynamic Probabilistic Safety Assessment with Uncertainty Analysis in Nuclear Power Plant
Dong Hee Choi(Chung-Ang University), Man Cheol Kim(Chung-Ang University)
Sapphire B |
SW Development and Qualification |
Chair: Jangyeol Kim (KAERI)
10:40-11:00 |
The Role of Certification in the Safety Demonstration of COTS Equipment
Sofia Guerra(Adelard)
11:00-11:20 |
Analyzing the Characteristics Between IEC 61508-2010 and IEEE-1012-2004 from the V&V Viewpoint
Jangyeol Kim(KAERI), Jong-Gyun Choi(KAERI)
11:20-11:40 |
Predictability Of I&C Systems: A Method Based on Timed Colored Petri Nets and Formal Series in The Dioid Theory
Louis Bal Dit Sollier(EDF R&D PRISME), Alain Ourghanlian(EDF R&D PRISME)
11:40-12:00 |
Computing Just Right with FPGA
Pierre-Yves Piriou(EDF Lab Chatou - Dept PRISME), Alvi Calame(EDF Lab Chatou - Dept PRISME)
12:00-12:20 |
Procedures for Developing Secure FPGA in Nuclear Power Plants
Minseok Hur(Sungkyunkwan University), Jiho Shin(Sungkyunkwan University), Moohong Min(Sungkyunkwan University), Aram Kim(University of Suwon)
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch |
Digital Twins and System Simulation |
Chair: Sungjin Lee (KHNP)
14:00-14:20 |
Applicability of Virtual Stimulation of APR1400 Digital I&C and HMI Systems
Sungjin Lee(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power), Min-seok Kim(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power), Ho Sun Ryu(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power)
14:20-14:40 |
Research on Simulation Technology of Nuclear Island and Conventional Island in High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
Yunlong Zhu(Tsinghua University), Zhe Dong(Tsinghua University), Xiaojin Huang(Tsinghua University)
14:40-15:00 |
Enhanced Virtual Reality Platform for Training in Nuclear Power Plants
Youndo Do(Georgia Institute of Technology), Cheng-Yuan Li(Georgia Institute of Technology), Aryan Chokshi(Georgia Institute of Technology), Fan Zhang(Georgia Institute of Technology)
15:00-15:20 |
Improvement of the 3D Reconstruction Method Using a Pendulum RGB-D Camera
Shigeaki Futagami(Kyoto University), Kimi Ueda(Kyoto University), Hirotake Ishii(Kyoto University), Hiroshi Shimoda(Kyoto University)
Thursday, December 5 |
Emerald |
08:00-08:30 |
Keynote Speech #1 |
From Digital to Automated: Considering Stepping Stones to Automation in Advanced Reactors
Ronald Laurids Boring, (Idaho National Laboratory)
08:30-08:40 |
Break |
Surveillance, Diagnostics, and Prognostics |
Chair: Tae-Jin Park (KAERI)
08:40-09:00 |
KAERI’s R&D Activities on Prognostics and Health Management for Nuclear Systems
Tae-Jin Park(KAERI), Jeong-Han Lee(KAERI), Doo-Byung Yoon(KAERI), Jin-Ho Park(KAERI)
09:00-09:20 |
Radiation-Hardened Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensor for Applications in Nuclear Power Plants
Youngwoong Kim(KAERI), Jongyeol Kim(KAERI), Gukbeen Ryu(KAERI), Younggwan Hwang(KAERI)
09:20-09:40 |
Study on the Attenuation Characteristics of Acoustic Emission Signals at Various Propagation Distances within Pressure Boundaries
Do-yun Jung(KAERI), Young-Choul Choi(KAERI), Byun-Young Chung(KAERI)
09:40-10:00 |
Research on Vibration Characteristics to Diagnose Pump Abnormalities when Complex Defects Occur
Jihyun Jun(KAERI), Daesik Jang(KAERI), Jeonghan Lee(KAERI)
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
AI Applications I |
Chair: Sofia Guerra (Adelard)
10:40-11:00 |
Use of AI/ML in Nuclear Safety Applications: Challenges and Possible Approaches
Sofia Guerra(Adelard)
11:00-11:20 |
Application of Artificial Intelligence for Light Water Reactors
Vivek Agarwal(Idaho National Laboratory)
11:20-11:40 |
Research on Condition Estimation Technology of Nuclear Power Plant
Junying Hong(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.,Ltd), Jiru Chu(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.,Ltd)
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch |
AI Applications II |
Chair: Chang-Hwoi Kim (KAERI)
14:00-14:20 |
Development of Signal Identification and Restoration Algorithms for Signal Error Types in Nuclear Power Plants
Ji Woo Hong(Chosun University), Min Seon Kim(Chosun University), Man Gyun Na(Chosun University)
14:20-14:40 |
Diagnosis of Severe Accident Conditions and Prediction of Radioactive Material Release Using Deep Learning Models in Nuclear Power Plants
Seunghyeok Yang(FNC Tech), Sangbeom Kang(FNC Tech), Hangil Lee(FNC Tech), Daeyoung Lee(FNC Tech)
14:40-15:00 |
AI-Enhanced Prognostics for Performance Degradation Estimation in Nuclear Power Plant I&C Systems
Jung Hwan Kim(KAERI), Duckhyun Kim(KAERI), Dongseong Shin(KAERI), Inseok Jang(KAERI), Chang-Hwoi Kim(KAERI), Chanho Kim(KAERI)
15:00-15:20 |
Metric Learning-based Multi-Abnormality Diagnosis Model in Nuclear Power Plants
Seung Gyu Cho(UNIST), Seung Jun Lee(UNIST)
15:20-15:40 |
Explainable Multimodal based Stepwise Anomaly Detection for ICS Collected Data
Ju Hyeon Lee(Gachon University), Seungho Jeon(Gachon University), Jung Taek Seo(Gachon University)
15:40-16:00 |
Break |
AI Applications III |
Chair: Man Gyun Na (Chosun University)
16:00-16:20 |
Development of a Prediction Algorithm Based on Operator Actions for Abnormal Situations in Nuclear Power Plants
Hyojin Kim(Chosun University), Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
16:20-16:40 |
Multi-Task Learning Approach for Diagnosis-Based Prediction of Abnormal Situations in Nuclear Power Plants
Jiyong Lee(KAIST), Hyojin Kim(Chosun University), Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
16:40-17:00 |
XAI-based Deep Learning for Operator Support Information and Explanation from an NPP Operator Point of View in an Abnormal State
Young Do Koo(KAERI / Chosun University), Sa Kil Kim(KAERI), Man Gyun Na(Chosun University)
17:00-17:20 |
Development of an AI-based Multi-module State Diagnosis Model Considering Simultaneous Transient States of iSMR
Ho Jun Lee(Chosun University), Eon Sang Jeon(Chosun University), Man Gyun Na(Chosun University)
17:20-17:40 |
Application of Causal Discovery and Inference Techniques for Accident Mitigation in Nuclear Power Plants
Ji Hun Park(Chosun University), Hye Seon Jo(Chosun University), Man Gyun Na(Chosun University)
Sapphire A |
System Reliability and Risk III |
Chair: Jisuk Kim (INL)
08:40-09:00 |
Incorporation of Psychological and Behavioral Human Factors into Agent Based Modeling to Estimate the Staff Assembly Time
Geon Kim(Kyung Hee University), Minho Hwang(Kyung Hee University), Joonseok Lim(Kyung Hee University), Sungmin Han(Kyung Hee University), Gyunyoung Heo(Kyung Hee University)
09:00-09:20 |
Integration of Traffic and Panic Models in Radiological Emergency Simulation Using Agent-Based Modeling
Minho Hwang(Kyung Hee University), Geon Kim(Kyung Hee University), Joonseok Lim(Kyung Hee University), Sungmin Han(Kyung Hee University), Gyunyoung Heo(Kyung Hee University)
09:20-09:40 |
Research on Fault Traceability Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant based on Multi Level Flow Model
Chenxi Zhang(Shenzhen University), Ming Yang(Shenzhen University), Sijuan Chen(Shenzhen University), Jianhua Chen(Shenzhen University), Jipu Wang(Shenzhen University), Faqiang Qian(Shenzhen University)
09:40-10:00 |
Parameters Trend Prediction using Two-Stage Deep Learning Models to Capture their Predictive Uncertainty under Optimized Simulations
Junyong Bae(UNIST), Wooseok Jo(UNIST), Kyeong Seo Kim(UNIST), Seung Jun Lee(UNIST)
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
HRA Panel Discussion |
Chair: Ronald Boring (INL)
[Special session on human performance data collection in a multi-module operation environment: Current status and outlook]
10:40 |
Opening Remark
10:40-10:55 |
Significant PSFs to be Considered in a Multi-module Operation Environment
Jinkyun Park(KAERI)
10:55-11:10 |
Experiments to Collect Human Performance Data in a Multi-module Environment
Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
11:10-11:25 |
Development of Multi-unit Capabilities in the Rancor Microworld Simulator
Thomas Ulrich(Idaho National Laboratory)(KAIST)
11:25-11:40 |
Considerations on Manipulating Levels of Automation in an Experimental Simulator
Ron Boring(Idaho National Laboratory)
11:40-11:50 |
Preparation for Panel Discussion
| 11:50-12:20 |
Panel Discussion
| 12:20 |
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch |
Chair: Jooyoung Park (INL)
14:00-14:20 |
Use of Simulator Data to Assess the Impacts of Performance-Influencing Factors in IDHEAS-ECA
Jooyoung Park(Idaho National Laboratory)
14:20-14:40 |
Application of IDHEAS-ECA Method in Level 2 Human Reliability Analysis
Kunxiu Liu(CNNC China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd), Pengfei Duan(CNNC China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd), Tengjiao Zheng(CNNC China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd), Yunlong Xu(CNNC China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd), Shiguang Deng(CNNC China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd), Yanjun Wang(CNNC China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd)
14:40-15:00 |
Estimating Inter-Organizational Communication Error Probabilities in Nuclear Power Plant Using Classical Model
Ilgeun Song(KAIST), Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
15:00-15:20 |
Comparative Evaluation of HuRECA and EMBRACE with Case Studies on Advanced Control Room Human Actions
Jaewhan Kim, Yochan Kim(KAERI)
15:40-16:00 |
Break |
Chair: Thomas Ulrich (INL)
16:00-16:20 |
Rancor-HUNTER: Using a Simulator Engine for Realistic Human Performance Modeling of Nuclear Power Operations
Ronald Boring(Idaho National Laboratory), Roger Lew(University of Idaho), Thomas Ulrich(Idaho National Laboratory), Jooyoung Park(Idaho National Laboratory), Jisuk Kim(Idaho National Laboratory), Olugbenga Gideon(University of Idaho)
16:20-16:40 |
HRA Data Collection and Virtual Human Modeling in RANCOR-HUNTER
Thomas Ulrich(Idaho National Laboratory), Ronald Boring(Idaho National Laboratory)
16:40-17:00 |
Characteristics and Considerations for Dependency Analysis in Multi-unit PSA
Jaehyun Kim(Chosun University), Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
17:00-17:20 |
Performance Shaping Factors for Multi-module Human Reliability Analysis: Identification and Categorization for Small Modular Reactors
Adam Haziq Mohamad Fahmi(KAIST), Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
17:20-17:40 |
Examining Operator Performances under Multi-Unit SMR Environment through Comparative Analysis
Tae Ryoun Kim(KAIST), Huijeong Kim(KAIST), Jonghyun Kim(KAIST)
17:40-18:00 |
Research on the Constraint Requirements for Reducing Personnel in Multi Unit Centralized Monitoring Scheme for Large Commercial Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Units
Jiru Chu(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.), Junying Hong(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.), Fangxiaozhi Yu(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.)
Sapphire B |
Sensing and Testing |
Chair: Seung Jun Lee (UNIST)
08:40-09:00 |
Skew Error Mitigation Technique for Pulse-Train Time Amplifier Used in Time-to-Digital Converter at Radiation Applications
Minuk Seung(Yonsei University / KAERI), Inyong Kwon(Yonsei Universirty)
09:00-09:20 |
Characterization of Radiation-Induced Leakage Current in CMOS MOSFETs for Radiation Sensing
Jinseok OH(University of Science and Technology / KAERI), Minuk Seung(KAERI), Chanho Kim(KAERI), Min Sun Lee(KAERI), Inyong Kwon(Yonsei University)
09:20-09:40 |
Advanced RLC Impedance Matching for Enhanced Ultrasound Sensor Performance in Medical and Industrial Applications
Ilhyung Cho(Yonsei University), Inyong Kwon(Yonsei University)
09:40-10:00 |
Research on Uncertainty in Online Nuclide Measurement for Pebble Bed High-Temperature Reactors
Hongjian Zhang(Tsinghua University), Weijian Zhang(Tsinghua University), Liguo Zhang(Tsinghua University), Tao Ma(Tsinghua University)
10:00-10:20 |
Utilization of System Geometry for Signal Validation of Nuclear Power Plants with Graph Neural Networks
Jeonghun Choi(UNIST), Seung Jun Lee(UNIST)
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
Wireless Technologies, Robotics, and Automation |
Chair: Nokyu Seong (KHNP CRI)
10:40-11:00 |
Wireless Technologies in Nuclear Power Plants
Vivek Agawal(Idaho National Laboratory), Imtiaz Nasim(Idaho National Laboratory)
11:00-11:20 |
Wireless Application in Category A and B functions to SSC Process for Nuclear Power Plants - Aspects of IEC TC45 SC45A
Kwangyoung SOHN(MIRAE-EN Co. Ltd.), Sungjong KIM(MIRAE-EN Co. Ltd.), Changhwan CHO(MIRAE-EN Co. Ltd.), Kweonwoo SOHN(MIRAE-EN Co. Ltd.), Hoyong KANG(ETRI)
11:20-11:40 |
iFAN Nuclear Power Plant Digital Twin for Robot Simulation
Youndo Do(Georgia Institute of Technology), Fan Zhang(Georgia Institute of Technology)
11:40-12:00 |
LiDAR-Based Staircase Detection for Autonomous Nuclear Emergency Response Robots
Sungmoon Joo(KAERI), Dongseok Ryu(KAERI)
12:00-12:20 |
Introduction of a Virtual Environment for Operation Mode Transition of TOSS
Nokyu Seong(KHNP CRI), Jaehee Lee(KHNP CRI), Jongbeom Lee(KHNP CRI)
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch |
Cyber Security I |
Chair: Fan Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
14:00-14:20 |
Results of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project Enhancing Computer Security for Radiation Detection Systems
Rodney Busquim e Silva(IAEA), Michael T. Rowland(Sandia National Laboratories), Ricardo Paulino Marques(University of Sao Paulo), Isabelle Coelho Franco(University of Sao Paulo), Jianghai Li(Tsinghua University), Tamas Holzer(Budapest University of Technology and Economics), Khalil El-Khatib(Ontario Tech University), Nelson Agbemava(Nuclear Regulatory Authority), I Puta Susilah(National Research and Innovation Agency), Jacek Gajewski(National Centre for Nuclear Research), David Allison(AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH), Imbaby Mahmoud(Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority)
14:20-14:40 |
New IEC Technical Report 63486 on Cybersecurity Risk Management at Nuclear Facilities
Michael T. Rowland(Sandia National Laboratories), John Sladek(Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), Edward L. Quinn(Paragon Energy Services), Tighe Smith(Paragon Energy Services)
14:40-15:00 |
Harmonizing National Standards with International Guidance for Cybersecurity
Michael T. Rowland(Sandia National Laboratories), John Sladek(Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), Rodney Busquim e Silva(IAEA), Trent Nelsonc(IAEA), Ismael Garci(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
15:00-15:20 |
Analysis of Review Items for Cybersecurity at Each Licensing Stage of New Nuclear Reactors
Kookheui Kwon(KINAC), Chaechang Lee(KINAC), Seongmin Kim(KINAC), Hyunjoo Lee(KINAC)
15:20-15:40 |
Cybersecurity of Radiation Data Monitoring System around Research Reactor MARIA in Poland
Jacek Gajewski(National Centre for Nuclear Research)
15:40-16:00 |
Break |
Cyber Security II |
Chair: Jianghai Li (Tsinghua University)
16:00-16:20 |
A Method to Improve Operator’s Situation Awareness Under Cyberattack of Nuclear Facility
Taejin Kim(KAERI), Young-Jun Lee(KAERI), Inhye Hahm(KAERI)
16:20-16:40 |
Evaluation Methods and Requirements for Cyber Incident Response System in Nuclear Facilities
Hee Won Choi(Gachon University), Seungho Jeon(Gachon University), Jung Taek Seo(Gachon University), Cheol-Kwon Lee(Gachon University)
16:40-17:00 |
War Gaming Simulations for Enhanced Cyber Resilience in Nuclear Industry
Kinjal Dave(BAE Systems Digital Intelligence), K Dave(BAE Systems)
17:00-17:20 |
Regulatory Analysis and Future Directions for Supply Chain Cybersecurity in Korean Nuclear Facilities
Hyunwoo Yoo(ETRI Affiliated Institute), Manhyun Chung(ETRI Affiliated Institute), Moonsu Jang(ETRI Affiliated Institute), Jaehoon Lee(Korea University)
Friday, December 6 |
Emerald |
08:00-08:30 |
Keynote Speech #2 |
Small Modular Reactor I&C Systems for Risk-informed Regulation
Hyun Gook Kang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
08:30-08:40 |
Break |
AI Applications IV |
Chair: Seung Geun Kim (KAERI)
08:40-09:00 |
ANNA: Application of RAG for LLM Utilization in the Nuclear Industry
Daeyoung Lee(FNC Tech), Sangbeom Kang(FNC Tech), Seunghyeok Yang(FNC Tech)
09:00-09:20 |
Development of Verbally-interactive Operation Support System based on Large Language Model
Seung Geun Kim(KAERI), Joowon Cha(KAERI), Yonggyun Yu(KAERI)
09:20-09:40 |
Application of Large Language Models in Intelligent Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants: Study on Operator Status Monitoring and Early Warning System
FaQiang Qian(ShenZhen University), Ming Yang(ShenZhen University), SiJuan Chen(ShenZhen University), ChenXi Zhang(ShenZhen University), JianHua Chen(ShenZhen University)
09:40-10:00 |
Association Rule Mining of Nuclear Power Plant Alarm based on Machine Learning
Jianhua Chen(ShenZhen University), Sijuan Chen(ShenZhen University), Ming Yang(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.,), Chenxi Zhang(ShenZhen University), Jinye Guo(ShenZhen University), Shiguang Deng(China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.,), Jipu Wang(ShenZhen University), Chengxiang Liu(ShenZhen University), Yanjie Guo(ShenZhen University), Ziyang Luo(ShenZhen University), Faqiang Qian(ShenZhen University)
10:00-10:20 |
MFM Reasoning for Task and Action Planning in Nuclear Power Plants
Bi Shuxin(South China University of Technology), Jun Yang(South China University of Technology), Wenlin Wang(Shenzhen Technology University)
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
AI Applications V |
Chair: Jae Min Kim (KAERI)
10:40-11:00 |
Learning to Explain for Diagnosis Validation in Nuclear Power Plant Operations
Ji Hyeon Shin(UNIST), Seung Jun Lee(UNIST)
11:00-11:20 |
Validating Simulator Data for AI in Nuclear Power Plants via Data Quality Management
Jae Min Kim(KAERI), Young Ho Chae(KAERI), Seo Ryong Koo(KAERI)
11:20-11:40 |
Causes and Quantification of Uncertainty in Nuclear Power Plant AI Algorithms
Young Ho Chae(KAERI), Seo Ryong Koo(KAERI)
11:40-12:00 |
Using Knowledge Representation to Achieve Reliable and Trustworthy AI in Sensitive Infrastructure
Oumayma Mejri(Framatome), Karl Waedt(Framatome), Romarick Yatagha(Framatome), Christoph Ruland(Siegen University), Oumayma Zeddini(Framatome)